White Station High School

White Station High School

White Station High School Class of 1964

Welcome to the White Station High School Class of 1964 Blog. This blog was created to inform classmates of the upcoming 45th reunion and to share the memories of past reunions. The reunion will be held in Memphis April 30, 2009 thru May 3, 2009 and encourage all 1964 classmates to attend. The Class of 1964 also extends invitations to members of WSHS Class of 1962, 1963, 1965, & 1966. The schedule is listed below along with who to contact for registration.

Rush W. Siler Principal

Rush W. Siler Principal

Reunion Committee

The WSHS Class of 1964 Reunion Committee Co-Chairs: Carey Dowdle Charles Lynch Lynda Dollar Bambury Martha Hurt Bryant and Ben Bryant Jerry Crook Ann Mahorney Erwin and Mike Erwin Robert Faulk William Matthew Jackson Lynn Phillips Kugele Martha Delius Pugh Donna Winfield Skaarer Vicki Stephens Patty Jenkins Thomas and Harte Thomas

Reunion Planning Meeting

Reunion Planning Meeting
Ben and Martha Bryants House

Reunion Schedule

Class of 1964
45th Reunion
April 30 - May 3, 2009
Memphis TN

The Class of ’64 invites guests from the
classes of ’62, ’63, ’65, & ’66 to join us for the fun!

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dutch Treat Pre-Reunion Gathering on Houston’s patio - 5:30 pm - ?

Friday: May 1, 2009
4:00 pm–walking tour - White Station High School
5:00 – 10:00 pm – At the home of Vicki Stephens
352 Colonial Road
Plenty of food, beverages & games
Casual attire – outdoors, weather permitting
Parking details to follow

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Dutch Treat lunch at the Fox & Hound across from the Doubletree 11am - 1pm
“Dancing with the Spartans” 7:00 – 11:30 pm - casual chic
The Tower Room American Grille (old Summit Club)
Clark Tower, 5100 Poplar Avenue
Menu – heavy hors d’oeuvres (7:30 – 9:00 pm); Cash bar
Live Band 8:00 – 11:30 pm - Solid Gold ‘60’s music
Surprise Appearance by a Special Guest from the ‘60’s

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Dutch Treat Farewell Brunch – Noon $26.95 per person
Owen Brennan’s
6150 Poplar Avenue

Hospitality Suite:
The Doubletree Hotel
5069 Sanderlin Avenue
Open about 3 pm Friday and all day Saturday
Closed during scheduled reunion events

Reunion Cost:
$85 per person - includes Friday & Saturday night events
Reservations required
RSVP with payment by 03/15/2009

Make checks payable to:
“White Station Class of 1964”

Hotel Information:
Doubletree Hotel
5069 Sanderlin Avenue
Rate: $104 per night, double occupancy
With local & occupancy taxes = $120.59/night
Next to the Racquet Club and walking distance to
Saturday night event.
Must make reservations by 04/09/2009
Specify: “W.S.H.S. Class of 1964” to guarantee rate
Rooms available for Thursday night through Saturday night
Doubletree complimentary airport shuttle operates from
7 am – 10 pm daily.
Use the phone in baggage claim to call for pickup.
Doubletree ID Number: 333416

To Register:
Contact Charles Lynch for Class of 1964 Members at the below email
Contact Carey Dowdle for other White Station Classes at the below email

Reunion Co-Chairs:
Carey Dowdle careydow@yahoo.com
850.496.2491 (Destin FL)
Charles Lynch calynch@suddenlink.net
903.517.6579 (Paris TX)

Class of 1964
45th Reunion

Rush W. Siler

Rush W. Siler

Class Officers 1961

Class Officers 1961

Class Officers 1962

Class Officers 1962

Class Officers 1963

Class Officers 1963

Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Ceremony
Wednesday May 20, 1964

1984 Reunion Group Picture

1984 Reunion Group Picture

1989 Reunion Group Picture

1989 Reunion Group Picture

Beth White Ellen Ginn

Beth White Ellen Ginn

Past Trivia Question

Past Trivia Question
Who did Robert take to the Reunion?



Billy Owens Marsha Nanney

Billy Owens Marsha Nanney

Don Meir and Wife

Don Meir and Wife

Tommy Somerville Henry Brenner

Tommy Somerville Henry Brenner

Tommy Somerville Larry Jarret Mark Pennington

Tommy Somerville Larry Jarret Mark Pennington



Back of the Bus

Back of the Bus

Decorating for a Past Reunion

Decorating for a Past Reunion

Scolding CB

Scolding CB

1964 Cheerleaders

1964 Cheerleaders
Mary Cocks Patty Jenkins Carol Brooks Martha Delius Lynn Wilkins Vicki Stephens

Are You Satisified?

Are You Satisified?

She Didn't Come Down

She Didn't Come Down

Mr. Siler Field Trip

Mr. Siler Field Trip

Mary Cocks Linda Dollar Francis Cocks

Mary Cocks Linda Dollar Francis Cocks

The Twist

The Twist
Becky Quinn Billy Owens

Vicki Stephens and Martha Hurt

Vicki Stephens and Martha Hurt

Charles and Robert Faulk

Charles and Robert Faulk

Carey Dowdle Don Meir Martha Delius

Carey Dowdle Don Meir Martha Delius

Shower Cap

Shower Cap
Harte Thomas and Fred Raby

Solid Gold

Solid Gold
Howard Calhoun

Busy hospitality Bar

Busy hospitality Bar

Billy Wulfers

Billy Wulfers

Solid Gold

Solid Gold
The Band

Queen Carey The Early Years

Queen Carey The Early Years

Queen Carey

Queen Carey
Tommy Somerville Carey Dowdle Fred Raby


Fred Raby and Anita Stanton

Hospitality Dance

Hospitality Dance
Ronnie Drake and Mary Jane FItch

Spartan Ice Sculpture

Spartan Ice Sculpture
Donna Skaarer

Ben Bryant Award

Ben Bryant Award
Ben Bryant and Harte Thomas

Lyn Phillips Jim Coffield Tommy Somerville

Lyn Phillips Jim Coffield Tommy Somerville
Hospitality Room

Motorcycle Ride

Motorcycle Ride
Billy Owens

Bartenders on Break

Bartenders on Break
C B Baker and Jim Coffield

Fire Truck In Front of WSHS

Fire Truck In Front of WSHS
Classis Fire Truck Owned by Henry Brenner & Sheldon Rosengarten

I Almost Read a Book

I Almost Read a Book
Linda Johnson

Looking for Cinderella

Looking for Cinderella

Warm Up to the Reunion

Warm Up to the Reunion
Houstons Restaurant

Hospitality Room Welcome

Hospitality Room Welcome
Penny Miller Roubion

Hospitality Room

Hospitality Room
Late Night

Harte & Patty Thomas

Harte & Patty Thomas


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